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It is Always NOW ii

by Mardi Long

July 2024 Kindle eBook

24 pages, 2000 words, and inspirational images that preset a positive approach to personal discovery

All I can do is share what works for me. So that is what this little book is about. It is my conclusion that “seeking that something outside of self” is universal. We learn from each other.

Connecting with The Eternal is not complicated. Connecting with The Eternal is no more complicated than connecting with another human being. Now connecting with, having a true relationship with, a friendship with other humans does require some care and feeding. Think of each relationship as a beautiful plant. If you water and feed that plant, make sure it has the proper amount of sunlight, the plant will grow – flourish even. But if you fail to do these most basic things, well…. the plant will wither away.

That is how it is when in a relationship with The Eternal. In this book, I identify six aspects of such a relationship that have worked for me. It is not my intention to tell you how this all works. Everyone must realize their own journey. Rather, it is my hope that you might find some insights, encouragement, and awaken your curiosity. Curiosity is what keeps us seeking and finding truth.


What is Joy? A calm luminosity inside of you that lets you savor and interpret the life around you. And as you open the doors of your heart and mind, this feeling can become the food for your passion!

Slowly, you will put more things into perspective and learn how to open your mind and heart to new possibilities.... things that you never knew were even possible!

Do you ever look up in the sky at night and wonder what is up there?

The presence of God in our hearts and minds can change us: Yes, REINVENT a new us!

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